___ ___ __ _______ _______ __ _______ _______ __ _______ | Y | |__| | _ | | | |__| | _ | | _ \ |__| | _ | |. | | | | 1___| |.| | | | | |. |___| |. l / | | | 1___| |. \_/ | |__| |____ | `-|. |-' |__| |. | | |. _ 1 |__| |____ | |: | | |: 1 | |: | |: 1 | |: | | |: 1 | |::.|:. | 2 |::.. . | 0 |::.| 1 |::.. . | |::.|:. | 5 |::.. . | `--- ---' `-------' `---' `-------' `--- ---' `-------' All right, sniootchy biotches, we've had some cleaning of house (just kidding, we all live in bachelor nerd hovel squalor, living on furniture made of pizza boxes, you could see for yourself over our webcam feed but the lens is so grimy no details can be perceived, just a general haze of filthy misery) to do over the past six months, but we're primed and ready to rock the scene in a way not seen since our World Tour stop with phase 6 of The Project back in August of 1999. (An oddly specific qualifer -- but AWESOMELY odd and AMAZINGLY specific.) That means we've been winding up for nearly 16 years and we're ready to once again unleash an unending torrent of absolute scene domination raining down on the heads of lamers, demonstrating supremacy in LiT, MUSiC, and all varieties of visual art -- ANSi, ASCii, HiREZ, SCULPTURE, ARCHiTECTURE... what? The Autocad files were corrupted? Cork master, how will our fans 3D-print the 1:1 scale models of our elite WHQ building? We're ruined! Lego? You're f-ing kidding me, right? All right, whatever -- move past it! We have lamerz to dominate!!!! In addition to masterful works by our illustrious founder K-tHuLu+++ we are proud to present further collaborations with Jack tha Ripper and an unprecedented array of distinguished guests who all lined up (some from BEYOND THE GRAVE, be cool, we aren't racist against ghosts) to approach us for a chance to earn the feather in their cap of being able to put the super-elite / [MiSTiGRiS 2015 DUES PAiD CARD CARRYiNG MEMBER iN GOOD STANDiNG] tag after their nick on the IRC. All that plus you get a good hard look at Melodia's pussy from three different angles! We have improved on the best that puny human bodies and minds can drag to the table and feature an array of cyborg textmode pieces in this pack, building on GIF2ANS technology and bringing it into the 21st century, revitalized as GIF2ANS2BMP2PRG2PNGs -- every additional step of the equation packs in eliteness exponentially! Eventually not only can't you tell where the human began and the machine finished up, you don't even have any indication that the human was ever there in the first place! Radical!!! I'd love to go on at great length about just how badly you're going to get blown away (read: very) by our improvements on the total sum of the history of computer graphics milestones, intersections of textmode art with the worthless soft and feminine world of textile arts, which never contributed anything worthwhile to the elite world of computing and technology, and pushing the limits of the modern art avant garde, which will unravel your brain and cause your eyeballs to explode, dribbling vitreous humours down your face, the vacant sockets becoming a home for elite parasitic insect larvae, which then mature and migrate into your sinuses and down your digestive tract, emerging with solid waste and F4 blocks and infecting a new host who comes into skin contact with contaminated soil... but we don't just don't have time. OK, that about wraps things up. I just have to deign to acknowledge some of our (inferior) fellow travellers here on Starship Dialup and give big greetZ (from an elevated position, not one among equals) to the eternal immortals at wBALLz, the home team at ALiEN LEGiON and the new inheritors to the mantle of the true elite, UNiSON. Also mad props to the supreme crew of Image Comics, remaining godly through the ages -- unchallenged visual genius Jim Liefeld, master plotter Todd Macfarlane, and mad scientist tactician Jim Lee (just imagine what amazing stuff he could do at the helm of a mainstream comics company like DC?!) And ... what were those guys called... the pretenders to the artscene throne... Smocktronics? Spockphonics? Brock's Colonics? I had some really devastating trash talk to unleash on them, but legal council has advised me to tone it down. Besides, I hate seeing grown men cry like sad sack girlie-man manbaby tea-man cryers man-blubbering in puddles of their own slippery man-cry-juice fluid. All right, that's really the state of the art state of the NATiON nation-state art of the art address. Keep your edges bleeding, keep your j0lt bubbling, keep it elite, and keep the lamerz out of tha undahground brah! If we remain unwelcoming to outsiders, our beloved community will definitely continue to thrive for years and decades to come regardless of unforseen profound social and technological upheaval! K-tHuLu+++ MiSTiGRiS FOUNDER, PRESiDENT FOR LiFE, PRiME MiNISTER, COMMANDER iN CHiEF, LiT COORDiNATOR SONiC EQUiNOX / ACiD / PHLUiD / BLENDER iMPERiAL / NWA / TABNet CARB / CAPiO / GAMEO / LAWAJ / MoAtSGCoA / ABi CONCRETE / KiTHE / RECOiL / PiNiON / iLF HAPPY FETUS RECORDS CHEERLEADING SQUAD / WRASTAJAM Co-SysOp of The Screaming Tomato and The Jade Monkey MiSTiGRiS "BiGGER THAN ACiD (BUT WiTH A HiGHER pH LEVEL) iN 2015" Website? Shit, we're OLDSCH00L, boyeee! Contact us on GEnie and Prodigy! On AOL, use KEYWORD: TOOLEET4U, or to access our forum on CompuServe, type GO: FUKYERSELF. (On The Magical Mystery Tour, try: //\\HYPNOTIZE.)SAUCE00The t-phile of the t-info K-thULU+++ MiSTiGRiS 20150331R