,o%d$$b _,o%$$$$$$$$ ,o$$$$$$$$$$$$F d$$F' , ,$$$' ,$b. d$$F Sunset... orange rays... to $$$$ d$$F day was a good day. Good people, go od events, nice weather. Ev $$$$ ,$$$ erything was good. Now i'm on the 14 th floor. Staying in front $$$$ $$$' of the ,oo%%oo, window. Somethere do wnstairs is a ci ___ `$$$b, d$$F ty, ,o%$$$$$$$, noisy city with it' s own life. A ,c$$$$$$$cc. d$$F nd `?$$, I'm staying here, looking at t ,d$$$$$$$$$$$$ho, ,o%$$$$' `$$$. he sunset. And th inkin crap t $$$$$P' `$$$, hat you're readi ng now. Firs $$$$' `$$$. t stars on the sky. Soon we $$$$ _,c%%$$$$, ,oo, `$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$b, will go to th e cinema. Bu `$P' _,o$$$$$$$$$$$, ,$$$$$, `$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%o, t something wierd is in my d$$$ ?$$h' mind. I'm h appy, i feel good, but somet d$$F' ?$$$. hing... This symbol... this symbol i in my mind. What is it? I d d$$F' `?$$$ on't know. I just see it. Hmm, wierd , don't you think? I don't d$$$' `?$$h even know why am I typing this. Fuc king symbol. What the he ,$$$$F `?$$b ll is it? Agghrr, fuck it. I don't care. we gonna have fun o$$$$' `$$$b tonight... $$$$F `$$$b `$$$h, `$$hb `$$$$h. `?$bb, `$$$$$$, grim fandango