,d$$$$$$$$b d$$$$$$$$b, d$$$$$$P$$$$$$$b d$$$$P$$$$$$$$$b d$$$$$$P' '$$$$$b d$$$$$P' $$$$$$b Cold day, it's d$$$$$P' '$$$$ $$$$P' $$$$$b autumn. I was si tting, listeni $$$$$$ '$' $$$$$$ ng to our lector , everyone was $$$$$b d$$$$$ kidding, laughin g and smiling. $$$$$$b d$$$$$$ Aha, lunch break but suddenly o '$$$$$$$b d$$$$$$$P ne girl said ver y loudly: "Group '$$$$$$$$b d$$$$$$$$P'352002, give the g roupleader money f ^$$$$$$$$b d$$$$$$$$P'or StudentCards!" I i rised my head from ^$$$$$$$$b d$$$$$$$P' the table and... And I fell in love. And now we '?$$$$$$b d$$$$$P' like to remember that day, day when we found each othe '?$$$$$b d$$$$$P' r. WE, we are together... ?$$$$b d$$$$P' '$$$.$$$P' '?$P' Y grim fandango