GALMView Pack 14 Edition Special Build of GALMView for Pack 14 by Kaustic This WILL install BassMOD 2.0 in you system32-directory if you have no bassmod.dll Known Bugs: Modem Emulation is a bit goofy, so dont use it, okey? =) Wierd OpenWindow()-bug that moves the window for some odd reason, give me 59€ and i will fix it. Usage: Up/Down - Scroll the ANS/ASC up and down Right - Next Picture M - Activate/Deactivate the Modem Emulation (goofy =P) Aknowledgements Miguel Calderón aka El_Choni for the EC_ImagePluginOLE library, small and effective Bass-team for BassMOD The guys behind PureBasic, awesome language and compiler, ill send you my hardearned cash asap =P GPI for jaPBe, THE IDE for PureBasic Rant When i clean up my code, ill compile a full version of GALMView, thats not locked to the dirs and so on. Bug-free and hopefully below 100kb in size and with a nice icon, promise. Since i work full time and my folks are bugging me nonstop during evenings and weekends, it will probably take a while, but ill finnish this year hopefully. While your at it, remember to check out for my personal work. If people visit it, ill probably update it more often. Made with coffe, love and a huge pile of CRACK!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111111111111111 :> Copyright 2004, Johan Hägg aka Kaustic