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Only with her special powers at his disposal, he will be able to fulfil his sinister plan... He and his entourage of disciples, together with captured Adele, need to embark on an Unholy Crusade, moving along the initial routes of the historic crusades. There, while completing the Unholy Circle, and misusing Adele's powers against her will, the Bishop plans to perform dark rituals at sacred places, desecrecating them and by this eventually unlocking and getting access to the Gateway to Hell. Along his way the Bishop will, regardless from faiths or beliefs, gather a huge army of followers, Fallen Templars, Black Knights, ordinary soldiers, Town Guards, and even Saracen Warriors, etc., all of them infected by Eternal Evil, to follow him and enforce his plans. The player is in control of Paul, a recently initiated Knight of the Temple, with sword axe, mace and bow he will fight though Northern Italy, Petra, Acre, Jerusalem and even Hell to complete his quest and stop the bishop. _________________________________________________________________ /\ /\ < >----- ---- --- -- - Game Features - -- --- ---- -----< > \/____/ ___/ __/ _/ \_ \__ \___ \_____\/ * Encounter up to 30+ different enemies with different behaviors and weaknesses on an epic quest to save the souls of mankind, including your own! * Explore 25 levels in medieval settings. Ranging from the sombre gloom of European monasteries and villages to the colourful bazaars and powerful bastions of the crusader castles under the blazing sun in the Holy Land! * Enter the realms of hell and face your worst nightmares. * Use the full range of chivalric arms of medieval times: sword, mace, axe to conquer your foes in realistic close combat fighting with a multitude of context sensitive attacks! * Divine powers that will help you face your worst fears. * Character progression through Combo Attacks, Special Attacks and Divine powers. * See state-of-the-art natural motion captured animations and realistic combat with 160 moves and animations, in-game events and cut-scenes! * Enjoy 27 different sound tracks in a movie-style score with a medieval touch! * Animation driven physics, creating fluent motion that are synchronized with the hero's actions! * Dynamic use of camera and 3rd person view creates a movie-like feeling! * State-of-the-art graphics and special effects. * Extensive use of short cut-scenes and animated events using the game engine will further enhance the cinematic feeling of Knights of the Temple! * Realistic fighting, using heavy and deliberate moves, dirty tricks and shield bashing, causing massive damage per blow, will put the player into harsh reality of medieval swordplay! * Challenging archery using the bow and arrows. Without the aid of a crosshair, the player must master all skills to get the deadly arrows to strike home! * Dynamic skill system aids the player to develop the preferred traits of the hero, without burdening the gameplay with statistics and record keeping! _________________________________________________________________ /\ /\ < >----- ---- --- -- - Installation Notes - -- --- ---- -----< > \/____/ ___/ __/ _/ \_ \__ \___ \_____\/ Install Notes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1) Pop DVD in Xbox 2) Play ;) _________________________________________________________________ /\ /\ < >----- ---- --- -- - Wanna Join Us? - -- --- ---- -----< > \/____/ ___/ __/ _/ \_ \__ \___ \_____\/ STARBREEZE Application Information ФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФ You think you can contribute to game developing too? You have one or more talents in: - Art, modeling, texturing - Programming - Design If you can meet one or more of our above requests and want to be a part of the fun today, e-mail us. Use the contact information given below. Always remember: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30-40 people spent 2-3 years of their lives making this game. We don't mind piracy, but if you like the game enough to play it, how about supporting us that made it. How to Contact STARBREEZE ФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФ E-Mail: info@starbreeze.com SBZ: No sleep until gold Support the software companies. If you play a pirated version of this game BUY it! _________________________________________________________________ /\ /\ < >----- ---- --- -- - Greeting Goes To - -- --- ---- -----< > \/____/ ___/ __/ _/ \_ \__ \___ \_____\/ CSiSO - GAMEOVER - RCSiSO - TEG - DVX - JSPEC _________________________________________________________________ /\ /\ < >----- ---- --- -- - - -- --- ---- -----< > \/____/ ___/ Ascii: muffin^ASCiiANCE \___ \_____\/