\_\\_ WARNING! You are about to enter a parallel existance known _//_/ __ | very few individuals. 'Normal' world rules do not apply... | __ /_/.|.................. enter at your own risk ...................|.\_\ ____. ____. ______. _______ _____.. _________ ___ _/ |___ __\_ |___\ l\_____ (./ __/___ \ .-\l __\ \_ | ./ . | \ | |/ \______ \ | |) l \___\ /________\_______//___\ |_________//__ / / | |____\ ______.. _\___\\ ______ \_______\ | | \ __/_____(__\\_ ____| // sp!ACID /________:___ ___\_____ \ \_ l / _____ ___\ / _____ / / / / \ \ _____\___ \l .\ / ./ \_ /____ _______\\_______/____\_____\ \ l/ \___\ \________/ ____\ \ ________ _____ /___________\ \____\\ _______ / \ \_______ _\__ /---|/ /__/ \ ___)\ ____ ___/__ / / l\ / _ \ _/ /_\ / __/___ \l / . _//___/ / \ /_______|___/____\ \_/\ / _\___ |_\ \___\ \ \ \ :::::::::::::::::::\____\::\____\:::::/____//::\______\::/____//_____/ / : Lands Of Sin And Darkness... http://www.lucidonline.org/lsd /_______/ : Creators: Zaknafien Code: Zaknafien Sponsors: lucidonline.org : : Curtis Wembley bluegravity.com : : Galathon Code Council ninjacom.org ..:. :....................................................................:.:: SAUCE00Lands of Sin and Darkness Spinsane ACiD Productions 20030907ZP