After the battle is over And the sands drunken the blood All what there remains .. Is the bitterness of D e l u s i o n . ,"`` 4b $ .dP""" ""4$P $ 4$b,.. ` .qQ$$$$Qp¿. ,¿ss $ l: , `""ý4$b. p¿ l$P"""4$b dP""" :$: l$ $ d$$ l$$ $$ ,sýý4s.s$.Úq˜q¿. ,y. :$l $$b`4¿, l$l $$l l$ $$l :$$ $$ 4l l$ $$P"^"4$b `ý` ktr l$ .$$P,dP` ,P4$ydý$$p¿¿g$ý $$l l$$ `$l$$p¿¿g$ý $$: $$ :bb mmc ;$.Ús$$ý `4$q*ý` ýÈ` `ýÈý` `$$b¿s$$` ` "ýÈý` ý" 4$s¿d$P Ú˜$$›*ý` `ý›$›ý` ý›$›ý` ý"`