_* ^QQ^ * _ .* ^$$^ *. j$$$$$$$$$$$$/. /$$$$$$$$$$$$\_ _ $$*^ ^ *$$$$$$l j$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:.*^Q QQ QL. $` /$$$$$$$$Q/. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Q$$$$$$$$$$$$$L \ $$$$$$$$$$$: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$/_ _\$$$$Q*` `'/$$$$$$. "#QQ#" " "#QQ# l$$$$S*SQ\` '/$$$$$$$$$SSS$$$$$$$$$\`Y$$$$$$ Y$ mimic! $T \ $$\` '$$\``/$$$$/$$$$$$::$ 54$: $. j$$L$$j$$$$L l$$$$$l :$$ $$l ;$$$$;:$$$$$$: :$$$$$$ $$Y /QQ\ Y$$$$Yj$$$$$Y *` ~~J$$$$$$$L .*^^*.'*Q_Q_Q*` J$$$$7` -  $  . _ l$$$$& J$$$L $ j\*  ($$$Q*Y$$$$$L /Q Q\j$ '` ` " Q$/j$7` * Q$$ss` ~:$$  Y$$ Q$(_ \#` * _  j$$:`* QQ$$$$$Q`  ` *4$$\  j$L  ` '*` low ascii mafia.it says mmc 54, apparently. *notes* Seeing as how this is my first attempt at actual ascii in quite some time, I hope you'll excuse the fact that it's not as polished as.. well, just not as polished. I mean, I've gotta get back into things people.