f k you know I don't like that man very much. an cured all these medical hea lth problems years ago . what if i remembered everythi ng wrong in the ? ny girl azicodocut ³ħħ\ ³ħħħħ\²² ________________________ ³ħħ`\ħħ\²² `\`\`\`\`\`\ ³ħħ `\ħħ\²²`\`\`\`\`\ | ³ħħ`\ħħ\ ``4ħħħħħ ²² °\ `\`\ \°°°°\ `\ `\ \°°°°\ `\| ³ħħ`\ħħ\ ``ħħħ ²² °°°\ `\\ \°°°°\ `\ \ \°°°°\ `\ | ³ħħ`ħħħħħħħħħħħ ²² °/.d/` /°°/.d /` /°°/.d | ³ħħħħħħħ___ ²².d/` /°°°° .d/`  /°°°° .d| é³ħħ ħħħħħ ²²²²²²² .d/`.d/`.d  / ³ħħ\/ħħħħħ ,, ² ²²`\``\`` \` ³ħħħħ\/ħħħħħħħ ħħ ² ²²`\ ``\ ``\ ` ³ħ²²ħħħħħħħħħħħħħ ħħ ² ²²``` lħ$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ħħ ² ²² l