@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ-/- PLEASE NUKE THIS!@ -/- This file belongs inside deeeeeez.zip and is not supposed to be spread separately. Please nuke this file & spank the uploader. thanks! -/- PLEASE NUKE THIS!@ -/- @END_FILE_ID.DIZ amiga.font . . . ....:.............:. . ....:...: ·······::: ______ : :: _||_ /_!_ : _______:__ ./ | .%[ W A Y L A N D ]%. : .\ ._ : \. | | : ______|_ |/ · | | ____. ______ _______ _____ ____\ / | ___|___| :/ |/ \____\ /___\._ \_ ( /\ \ _._ \ /| |_ | ._ \ \ \ |/ \ _/ · \_ \ |/ \________ / |_ |/ \ \ \ \_ _| \ _\\_____/\____._/ | | //_____/_____//_|_____/ |\______//________//_ . _| | | \_____| | : _\\_____| |_ < --------- . _| -------------------- > :: |_______//_ _|__ \. :: . ¡ /______||_ mt/mmc & dz/a! ::.. ....:....... . . . .:::::::::::...:...: : : . me (dezibel) and martz won the Satwar compo #2 with this. thanks to all the blind voters