jazz, a one two, a one two ______ ___________________ \/ _______________________ 000000000000000000/ .¿**Ú. \0000000000000000000000 0000000000 \/ 0000000000000000000000 0000000000 Ú¿ 7ø` `ø4ÎÎÎÎ ```````````0000***0000 000000/\00 l /' ... `ÎÎ\ /` ` 0000/ \ ³`` \ \Î/ /Î/ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ .¿***Ú. 00/` ³   \l_____\/ /` /. ³ ._,: _  /\\. ³ `**`  ' ` l //` `\\. ³ RKO  .¿***Ú.  ³ //` //`___³ _______ \   //` /__ ```````` : ³ `\\. //````````/\```````````_______: ,.___.,d ³ l `\//` `ÙÀ` ³ /\ ³ ³ `\` ____ _____ ³ `Ù*888*À` .l_____³ /0000\. .0000l ³```` _ .,d³ /0000000000**0000000³ ³ ' `ø4³ /000000000000000000000³ ³³³³ ³ ³ l³ ```````````````````````` l\ `Ù**À` robot pragmatic fat rap battle tactics put my fist thru your skull, leave ya in tragics then caskets, rhymes cascade down the river killin' ya like captain morgan in ya liver this postnatal rap fatal leave ya in posthumous form you can't rap, you got epilepsy and choked on your tongue rebirth in new formate, my verse sharp like a sword find ya and hang ya by the umbilical cord sucker, battling me is like checkers versus monopoly twice as sophisticate, you hittin' me on the head with monotony cut the record, scratch nice, rip the needle a new one peeps with parkinson's pointing, and calling you shook one, yeah, you shake like michael j holdin' a vase, hardcore rhyme regimen cold knocked you out of the phase conclude, we end this here, no more will you trespass against me, smack your chest and phaserblast your fuckin' ass yeah, that was a little bit of off the top of the head, i won't lie, it took me about 5-6 minutes. -neil