read all about it. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------. ` `^'À*$$$$$$$$Ã7*=*4Q³$$*=Ùü$ÄÄÄÄÄÙ==**4QÃ$$$$$TUM ©©©©©©©©ÚÄ¿-,. `ÀQ$³Ù` `4 $ `ÀS$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$/. ' .¿s##s. $ $$$SSS/Ú. `4$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$³³$$$$$L ¿$$$$$$$b¿s% $ T$$$$$$$$L Y$$ $$$$$$7Ù'^` :$$$$$$$$$$$$ & !$$$$$$$$$: :$$ $$$$Ù` ,¿s#S$$$$$: 4³$$$$$³\ý'^ l :$$$$$$$$$l ú$$ $$$` ¿$$$$$$$$$$$l `^'^` : .$$$$$$$$³: j$$ $$: 4$$$$$$$$$$$$ ..,Ú ù úÄÄÄÙý'^` ,$$$ $$$. `'ýÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ú Úx$$$$$ $$$ ' .,._ `À7` .sèès. l$$7$$$$À*gs%j \ * ý ° $$$: d$$$$$L j$$$$$$$. . :$$ :$$: $Ù` .,-ÚÄ¿©©©©° $$$l .$$$$$$$: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Ù` 'Ù ` .¿S$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$& ù$$$$$$$l _______. Ä¿$ .-¿ : 7º$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$ l$$$$$$: :$$$$$$` j$: :$$ l `^'ýÀ*4Q³$$$$ $$$$: :$$$$$$ú . `'ýý'` ,$$l.,-Ú$$$: $$b¿,._ `'À4 $$$$l¿©x%$$$$$$X%x©¿$$/¿,,...,¿4$$$$$$$$$$$$x%#S$$$$$$$$$X‡Ú. ------------------------------------------------------------------À. -------- Issue No.20 An Official ACiD Productions(TM) Public Update Ú Sept.99 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ¿\ --------- '^` mm yy¿y˜yÚ_ $$ yy¿y˜˜ _¿y˜yÚ_ yy $$P'`'4$L $$ $$P'`` j$P'`'4$L $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$XXX $$ $$ $$ $$ ¥¥ $$ 7$b,.. $$ 7$b,.,d$â INTRO ¥¥ $$ "Ù $$ "ÙÀ" by mHz A wise man once noted that all good things must come to an end. This man, however knowledgeable, was obviously not versed in the eminence of ACiD. As we sit back, continuing to do what we do best, and watch other organizations, once thought to be as stable as Stonehenge crumble, ACiD has made the trek into the new millenium and emerged unscathed, still at the top of our game. _¿y˜yÚ_ yy¿y˜˜ _¿y˜yÚ_ _¿y˜yÚ_ _¿y˜yÚyy $$ j$P'`'4$L $$P'`` j$P'`'4$L j$P'`'4$L j$P'`'4$$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$XXXXX¥¥ $$XXXXX¥¥ $$ $$ $$XXX $$˜˜˜˜ $$ 7$b,. 7$b,. 7$b,.,d$$ 7$b,.. $$```` $$ "Ù "Ù "ÙÀ "Ù $$ _¿y˜yÚyy _¿y˜˜ $$ $$ j$P'`'4$$ j$P'`` $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ ¥¥XXXXXQQ $$XXX 7$b,. 7$b,.,d$$ ..,d$â 7$b,.. FREE, AT LAST "Ù "ÙÀ À" "Ù by mHz Adding to our reputation as not only role models, but benefactors of the entire art community, ACiDDraw, the premier ANSI/ASCII editor for DOS has been released [Version 1.25r, September 1, 1999] with no restrictions to the general public, allowing even those who's companies show a negative cash flow to still create masterpieces. This new version is also updated, fixing the infamous and paradoxical Pentium bug. Amendments to the licensing agreement have also been made, refer to the documentation for details. To partake in this superior program, ACiDDraw 1.25r may be downloaded via FTP at: _¿y˜yÚ_ $$¿y˜yÚ_ _¿y˜yÚ_ $$¿y˜yÚ_ j$P'`'4$L $$P'`'4$L j$P'`'4$L $$P'`'4$L $$ $$ $$ $$ $$$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ 7$b,. ¥¥ $$ 7$b,. ¥¥ $$ "Ù $$ "Ù $$ _¿y˜yÚ_ $$¿y˜yÚ_ _¿y˜yÚyy yy¿y˜yÚ_ _¿y˜ _¿y˜yÚ_ _¿y˜˜ j$P'`'4$L $$P'`'4$L j$P'`'4$$ $$P'`'4$L j$P'` j$P'`'4$L j$P'`` $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$˜˜˜˜˜˜˜ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$`````$$ $$XXXXX¥¥ ¥¥XXXXXQQ 7$b,. ¥¥ $$ 7$b,.,d$$ ¥¥ $$ 7$b,.,d$$ 7$b,. ..,d$â "Ù $$ "ÙÀ $$ "ÙÀ "Ù À" CH-CH-CHANGES by aCK and mHz Touching off a minor world crisis, Eporue has been demoted from the all powerful position of AIS Advisor, instead taking on the still-prestigious role of AIS member. All impending nuclear catastrophes were headed off when it was revealed that ACiD was launching an attack on "Eporue" not "Europe," as many a dyslexic missile-guidance system operator had previously thought. To publicly initiate the valued Eporue into his new role of AIS Member, we've prepared a small project for him to embark on: ".eshciwdnas emos su teg, europE" It should also be noted that in the interest of ending redundancy and not being redundant, Infernal Flames has shortened his alias to Flames, making his alias shorter. _¿y˜yÚ_ mm j$P'`'4$L yy $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$˜˜˜˜ $$ FI $$```` ¥¥ by aCK From CIA comes the HiRez/Poetry master Blue Devil, who RaD Man has busy ghost writing lovely poems for RaD Woman. But between the poems, BD still manages to produce artwork of a quality that spells "ACiD." HRG sent us two great Hirez Artists: Diamond and Iron Lung. Thanks, HRG! We'll call you when we need more! In our continuing melding of multiple medias, Sphere, creator of many popular WinAmp Skins has joined us to explore his art to a larger scale, and possibly crayon-up RaD Man's car-Alpine. In our quest to pull more people into the scene, we've stumbled across two phenomenal artists : Mallakai and Virex. Now that we have received the gratitude of the scene for single-handedly keeping it alive, we'll all sit back, have a few beers, a good cigar, and hire a few geishas to pat us on the back. Remorse ASCII picked up some new faces recently with the addition of such great names as Cleaner, Emok, Polymorph, Roman, Subsonic and Sudiphed. Welcome to the club, folks. And last but definitely not least we welcome Skaboy to our ranks. Skaboy, will continue to work on his creation, Empathy the ONLY true XBIN Editor, under the ACiD label, as well as assist the newly-rejoined Ragnarok with our ever-expanding web sites. _¿y˜yÚ_ _¿y˜yÚ_ j$P'`'4$L j$P'`'4$L $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$˜˜˜˜ 7$b,.,d$â FO $$```` "ÙÀ" by mHz A common syndrome in ACiD is that of the inactive artist. Apparently, certain individuals come to the unshocking realization that they've simply lost all of their ability to create superior, ACiD quality art. Rather than do the noble thing and resign as Bedlam has, they take to a witness protection program-like life, leaving no forwarding address as they slink away into untalented obscurity. We here at ACiD have never been rude, so we won't name names as to further humiliate such useless individuals as Alien, who has apparently taken up residence back on his home planet, a place where one need only draw 1 month out of each decade. In the interest of full disclosure, our AIS team has determined the current locations of such Ex-ACiD members as Pixel Pusher, who's pixels have been pushed right out of ACiD. Sunnyjim has taken up residence in Sunny San Francisco, to better show off his Sunny Jim in a sunny gym. The infinitely useless xEDGEx has been cut and edged straight out of ACiD. Everybody's favorite, Sc00p, has been scooped right out of the memberlist to make more room for productive individuals. Revolution has proved to be more of a schoolyard skirmish than a revolution in recent months, and hence has been shot out of a cannon to a far away place. In addition, Cain, Kyo, ColorNox, and Skate Guy have all skated out of ACiD. Well apparently we've done it again, and there's no turning back now. We apologize, and still love you all. _¿y˜yÚ_ yy¿y˜yÚ_ $$ $$ _¿y˜yÚ_ $$ _¿y˜yÚ_ yy¿y˜yÚ_ _¿y˜yÚ_ j$P'`'4$L $$P'`'4$L $$ $$ j$P'`'4$L $$ j$P'`'4$L $$P'`'4$L j$P'`'4$L $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$XXXXX¥¥ $$ $$ $$. .$$ $$XXXXX¥¥ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$XXXXX¥¥ 7$b,. ¥¥ $$ `4$k.d$P` 7$b,. 7$b,. 7$b,.,d$â $$b,.,d$â 7$b,. "Ù $$ `³` "Ù "Ù "ÙÀ" ÌÎÙÀ" "Ù yy¿y˜yÚ_ $$ _¿y˜yÚ_ _¿y˜yÚyy _¿y˜˜ _¿y˜yÚ_ $$P'`'4$L $$ j$P'`'4$L j$P'`'4$$ j$P'`` j$P'`'4$L $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$XXXXX¥¥ $$ $$ ¥¥XXXXXQQ $$XXXXX¥¥ $$b,.,d$â 7$b,. 7$b,. 7$b,.,d$$ ..,d$â 7$b,. ENVELOPE, PLEASE ÌÎÙÀ" "Ù "Ù "ÙÀ À" "Ù by aCK While everyone else went to Jamaica and appeared on MTV's ridiculously overhyped spring break festival, our boys at ACiD spent the holiday the real man's way : IN MEXICO AND ON COMPUTERS. With a higher doodleboy to callgirl ratio than one might expect, they suprisingly enjoyed themselves and managed to pull in a few awards! Firstly, the musician whose name you can pronounce but not spell, Psibelius took second place in the music competition with his track "Nova Soli", which is French for "No Goes Soli", Spanish for "Soli does not go", Portuguese for "In Vain Soli", and Italian for "It Does Not Go Single". What he actually meant by the title is something you'll have to ask him. I can't, due to the restraining order. Nova Soli [], released in the October 1999 pHluid Music Disk can be downloaded from: RaD Man actually won something! And we all just thought he was a pretty face to be a rallying point. Jason, JJJ and RaD Man take home GOLD IN WOMEN'S DOUBLES... Wait... Sorry. First place in the Spring Break '99 graphics competition. Their entry, "Future Tex" is a beautiful piece of work. Check it out at an archive near you. Future Tex [our-futuretex.jpg], released in the ACiD Acquisition Update 78, Part B can be downloaded from: Let it be established at this point that even though ACiD did not enter a demo this year, the bulk of those which were entered were even better than the years previous. Which just goes to show you... Our presence makes things better. At Spring Break '99, representing ACiD were Beastie, his "friend" Clockwork, Psibelius, RaD Man, Sharp, and Murray. You'll have to guess who Murray is. Apparently he's embarrassed by the use of his handle. The bastard... Maybe we'll see you all next year at Spring Break 2000. Come on down, bring a friend, pack heat, and if you go to Mexico, don't drink the water! _¿y˜yÚyy yy¿y˜yÚ_ _¿y˜yÚ_ $$ $$¿y˜yÚ_ _¿y˜yÚ_ yy¿y˜˜ j$P'`'4$$ $$P'`'4$L j$P'`'4$L $$ $$P'`'4$L j$P'`'4$L $$P'`` $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$XXX $$ $$ $$XXXXX¥¥ $$ 7$b,.,d$$ ¥¥ $$ 7$b,.,d$â 7$b,.. ¥¥ $$ 7$b,. $$ "ÙÀ $$ "ÙÀ" "Ù $$ "Ù $$ _¿y˜yÚyy _¿y˜yÚ_ mm _¿y˜yÚ$$ j$P'`'4$$ j$P'`'4$L yy j$P'`'4$$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ 7$b,.,d$$ 7$b,. $$ 7$b,.,d$â "ÙÀ "Ù ¥¥ "ÙÀ" _¿y˜yÚyy yy¿y˜˜ $$ mm _¿y˜yÚ_ $$ _¿y˜yÚ_ j$P'`'4$$ $$P'`` $$ yy j$P'`'4$L $$ j$P'`'4$L $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ ANOTHER $$ $$ $$ $$XXX $$ $$ $$ $$XXXXX¥¥ ACiD 7$b,.,d$$ $$ 7$b,.. $$ 7$b,. 7$b,. 7$b,. ARTICLE "ÙÀ $$ "Ù ¥¥ "Ù "Ù "Ù by mHz Having perused this deep into the plethora of information carried in this issue of the ACiD News, the quality and alliteration of ACiD's articles is abundantly apparent. However no matter how mighty the pen is, man does not live by words alone, and ACiD has taken it upon ourselves to venture forward in production of articles of another kind -- clothing to be more specific. No longer do you have to walk the streets, wearing a cap that prominently displays some type of ridiculous looking orange bird, or logo for Fuzzy's Fresh French Fried'n'Flamed Fish Shack. Available now are our latest garments - ACiD Caps. When you don an ACiD cap, you become more than a person with an obviously ravishing sense of style, you become somewhat of a human canvas, a living breathing ACiD Production, and what, we ask of you, could be better than that? For those of us who live in somewhat colder climates, in the type of edifice where a simple circular hole cut in the floor can yield a top-notch fishing spot, expect brand new, warm, ACiD beanies to be available by this winter. Regardless of where in the world you call your pied-a-terre, ACiD Gear can be yours through our newly remodel, wider-aisled, friendlier staffed, double-coupon accepting ACiDgear Website, which has been completely redesigned by the immensely talented Ragnarok, in a landmark collaboration between ACiD and Kagi, the firm responsible for processing your on-line credit-card orders, and expeditiously expediting your order. Clothing, like ACiD, is a basic requirement of life. Bring the two together, and the possibilities are, in a word, endless. ACiDgear can be ordered on-line at yy¿y˜˜ _¿y˜yÚ_ _¿y˜yÚ_ _¿y˜yÚ_ yy¿y˜˜ _¿y˜yÚ$$ $$P'`` j$P'`'4$L j$P'`'4$L j$P'`'4$L $$P'`` j$P'`'4$$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$XXXXX¥¥ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ 7$b,. 7$b,. 7$b,.,d$â $$ 7$b,.,d$â $$ "Ù "Ù "ÙÀ" $$ "ÙÀ" _¿y˜yÚ_ _¿y˜yÚ_ $$ $$ _¿y˜yÚ_ _¿y˜yÚ_ $$ _¿y˜yÚ_ yy¿y˜˜ j$P'`'4$L j$P'`'4$L $$ $$ j$P'`'4$L j$P'`'4$L $$ j$P'`'4$L $$P'`` $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$XXXXX¥¥ $$ $$XXX $$ $$ $$ 7$b,. 7$b,.,d$â 7$b,. 7$b,. 7$b,. 7$b,. 7$b,.. 7$b,.,d$â $$ "Ù "ÙÀ" "Ù "Ù "Ù "Ù "Ù "ÙÀ" $$ RECORD COLLECTOR by Hack Once again the server that provides that beef for has set another record. Walnut Creek's broke the terabyte barrier serving up 1.39TB in a single day on May 26, 1999. Walnut Creek was testing a Gigabit Ethernet link with their co-location provider, CRL Network Services. The site runs FreeBSD and details of the achievement can be found at: Skaboy, known for coding the Empathy XBIN editor, has taken over administrative duties for the artpacks archive. The torch was recently passed from Shivan Bastard, known for eating toxic chicken wings, to Skaboy. Skaboy plans on adding "spidering" technology to the site. The new technology will index through all of the files embedded with SAUCE records and picking out keywords from ANSI and RIP based files. This will lay down a foundation for enhanced searching abilities on the archive, proving once again that is your one-stop-shop for locating digital art. That is, until Amazon sues us for some sort of patent violation. Shivan Bastard was quoted as saying, "Damn. I thought my utilities were neat." _¿y˜yÚ_ $$ ˜˜ $$ yy¿y˜˜ _¿y˜yÚ_ j$P'`'4$L $$ $$ $$ $$P'`` j$P'`'4$L $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$XXX $$ $$ $$ 7$b,.,d$â 7$b,.,d$$ 7$b,.. $$ 7$b,.,d$â OUTRO "ÙÀ" "ÙÀ¥¥ "Ù $$ "ÙÀ" by mHz In a small cabin somewhere off the coast of Hispaniola sits a boy, now able to enjoy and preview the full registered benefits of ACiDDraw without shelling out so much as a penny for the all-important registration. Right now, multiple ACiD members span the globe, staring at their shiny gold, possibly chocolate-filled trophies won at this year's Spring Break Awards. In Oahu, a girl not more than 8 years old refuses to leave her house without her favorite piece of ACiD gear adorning her frame. In Canada, a remarkably small framed man sits angry, cast out from the organization he for so many years called home. On the brink of total and complete self destruction, he discovers our latest Acquisition, and decides that there really is good left in this world. All of these simultaneous, blessed events converge at one common denominator - ACiD. With this latest release, we here at ACiD yet again revel in showing you what we do best. From crashing down the capitalistic rule of ACiDDraw, in hopes of inspiring those less talented and less fortunate to yet again reach for our unattainable level of still unrivaled, unwavering and spectacularly untertaining level of skill, to winning multiple honors at the Spring Break, to dazzling those whose brain power travels no further than the simple comprehension of "pretty things," ACiD continues it's domination, for you, the people. Love us as we love you, and all shall be right with the world. Here's to ACiD -- and here's to us all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Editors: mHz & RaD Man Artists: Haji & TUM Writers: aCK, Hack & mHz Thanks: For nothing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SAUCE00ACiD Newsletter Issue #20 acid!info ACiD Productions 19990909œHPt