(_`ú.,,.ú'_`ú.,.-> really creative artists collection #20 <-ú'_`ú.,.ú'_`ú.,,) Well here it is, our latest pack. This month has been full of ups and downs, and it probably shows. Alas, we must take the good with the bad and make the best of the situation. This is also the first RCA pack that I've packed and released so hopefully I did things correctly. In local news, I was just informed by via email from Lady Blue to the fact that Starlord and Kit's computer has crashed yet again. Since Starlord was supposed to be sending me the member list and his portion of the newsletter, we have no member list for this pack; this is my last ditch attempt at a newsletter. At this point, it is unknown as to when they'll have it back up and running. Despite the fact that their computer has crashed multiple times within the month, Kit managed to create some excellent ansi for this release. I'd also like to extend a big "welcome to the family" to all of the DVS members that recently merged with RCA. Although I may not know all of you yet, and chances are you have no clue as to who the hell I am, I look forward to working with you. I hope you find RCA unlike any other group(s) you may have been involved with in the past. Unlike some of the other groups in the scene today, we still have a sense of family. If there is anything you need, feel free to ask. We're all here to help each other. Although this isn't our largest release, nor our best release, considering the amount of stuff that's been going on in a majority of our member's 'non-scene' lives, I still think it's fairly solid. Let's try to make the next one our best yet! Tentatively, the due date will be October 3rd, so let's all get to work! Here's to a less stressful month for all! Keep up the good work! dead* (_`ú.,,.ú'_`ú.,.-> really creative artists collection #20 <-ú'_`ú.,.ú'_`ú.,,)