well, last pack some guy named "cain" told me I had "big ups", and some other guy named megga hertz told me i had "moolyjack bombfirst madstyle". So, I'm keeping up the 100% original ascii. rip me and die! .sS$$$$ `$$$$$$ $$$$$$, S$$$$$S `$$$$$$ .SSss. $$$$$$ .S$$$$$$ ,Ss. $$$$$$ .S$$$$$$$S ,$$$$$ $$$$$$ .S$$$$$$$$$' ..ssS ,$$$$$$. $$$$$S .S$$$$S'$$$$$ S$$$$$$S .ssS Ss.. ,$$$$$$$S ,$$$$$' .S$$$$S' $$$$$ "`S$$$$S ..ssS$$$S .$$$$S ,$$$$$$$$$ S$$$$$.S$$$$S'..s:$$$$$sssSS$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ S$$$$' ,$$$$'S$$$$. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$88$$$$$SSS"""``` `$$$$S ,$$$$' `$$$$S ,$$$$$$$$$$SS"""``S$$$$S` T$$$$S `$$$$Ss....sS$$$$' $$$$$ ,$$$$$$$S' S$$$$' T$$$$S `$$$$$$$$$$$$$$' S$$$$. ,$$$$$$` S$$$$, T$$$$S.. `$$$$$$$$$$$$' `$$$$S .sS$$$$$$' `$$$$S T$$$$$$, `S$$$$$$$$$' $$$$$$$$$$$$$$' $$$$S SS"""`` `$$$$$$$' S$$$$$$$$$$$$' $$$$$ `"""` `$$$$$$$$$$$' $$$$$, $$$$$$$$$S' atombomb[kwest] $$$$$S S$$SS""` $$$$$$ ""````